The former Nigerian Railway Compound Running Shed in Ebutta-Metta constructed in 1898 and retired in the late 1960s, to outsider, is emblematic of Terrain Vague, a voided spaces which misses its days of optimum use and colonial glory. Despite the elevation of status earned two decades ago, The Running Shed as a 'museums' offered little; it was inaccessible to the causal visitor. Over taken by bush and used as a public dumping ground, the shed became a center for crime and nefarious activity. Little could be done by way of traditional policing due to the venality of the government. Frustrated, the community of squatters, who used the carriages for homes began clearing the area and warding of criminals. These efforts began 2012. Though still in disrepair, the Running Shed is now utilized for tours, exhibitions, and walkabouts by Legacy1995, a non-governmental preservation agency who dubbed the compound a museum, primarily because of the communities efforts. As an artists I work to unpack this narrative through a series of interviews and devised projects. The once symbiotic relationship is now read as parasitic by all parties. My produced work within the space include sound installations E Ma Da 'leru and No Love in Nigeria: Colonialism, Government, Light and White, GIF portrait series, Iron Clad, and several performance and art exhibitions constructed by the community of the compound. The audaciousness of the community to usurp traditional paradigms of ownership and authority takes on particular salience when considering their actions in a neocolonial context and considering the actions of the community post colonial. My thoughts on this are further expatiated upon in a paper produced for the [Applied ]Foreign Affairs Lab to be published by the University of Applied Arts Vienna.
The project was jointly supported by [Applied] Foreign Affairs, Institute of Architecture University of Applied Arts Vienna and Legacy1995 under the initiative of the The (a)FA Lagos Legacy lab
Produced Work (2017):
Ironclad: GIF Series. The young men who have claimed the Running Shed as their place to ‘chill’, see themselves as protectors of the old carriages the space. They bring vitality to the rusted railway museum. Their dreams extend past the constraints of their current situation and their aspirations areas grand as those who first mapped the Nigerian railway system. Iron Clad is a series of repeated instance of the young men in their space while animated colorful stars erupt from seemingly innocuous items and backgrounds, the boys continue undeterred.
E Ma Da 'leru: Sound Installation. Members of the local community who utilize the Running Shed as a living space tell their stories through music, devised sound, poetry, and collected interview.
NO LOVE IN NIGERIA: COLONIALISM GOVERNMENT, LIGHT AND WHITE: A group of young men discuss the implication of venal government of Nigeria. Though jest, mawkish condoning, and earnest integration they ponder: Why is Nigeria the way it is? Why do black men seem to suffer? Who will fix this country? And what is the future of the youth?