Researchers do not agree on one comprehensive "fascia" definition. Despite the scientific uncertainty, there is an agreement with medical text that fascia covers every structure of the body, creating a structural continuity that gives form and function to every tissue and organ. Interlaced with nerves, fascial tissue wraps, interpenetrates, supports, and forms the bloodstream, bone tissue, meningeal tissue, organs, and skeletal fascia creating different interdependent layers — Bordoni, PubMed


If there is an anatomical correlation for waves of energy that run through the body world spiritual traditions make reference to, I believe fascia would be it.

Through movement techniques focused on structural integration methods, I attempt to get at something pertaining to how we feel energy and space within and outside of ourselves.

This work can be seen @thenoldorresidency @institutemuseumofghana at my exhibition, Beside Herself, opening dec 4th

Fascia, 2021, 17mins

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